What You Get

Domo for CEO's

As CEO, you’re at the helm of your business, but you’re too busy collecting reports from every far-flung corner of your organization to step back and see the big picture. That’s a real headache–and not the kind you want to deal with when company growth is at stake.


Transform the way you manage your business.

With Domo, you can skip the headache and see all the metrics that matter to you in one place. Domo connects to disparate data sources and instantly visualizes the information you need to call the big shots. Here’s how it’s done:


Never miss an opportunity.

Your intuition and business know-how is unmatched. But you still need to back your gut feeling with actual data. Domo delivers data-driven insights at the speed of business—that’s a nice change of pace.



Run a better business.

Great leaders hire the best and let them run. Domo empowers your employees to work more efficiently, while giving you the peace of mind of knowing your teams are focusing on what matters most.


Operate on a single source of truth.

Work siloes aren’t just frustrating—they’re inefficient. Domo brings all your people and your data together in one place to give you a clear picture of your entire business.


Empower your people.

Domo gives everyone the ability to customize, organize, and visualize around the information they care about in a way that makes sense to them. The result? Data-driven employees who act like mini CEOs.


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